The CHIME Certified Healthcare CIO Program
The CHIME Certified Healthcare CIO (CHCIO) program is the first certification program exclusively for CIOs and IT executives in the healthcare industry. A CHCIO demonstrates the commitment, knowledge and experience required to master the core skills inherent to successful healthcare CIOs and IT executives. CHIME members who have been in a healthcare CIO or equivalent position for at least three years and want to enhance their professional stature are eligible to become certified.
Distinguish yourself from your peers
Becoming a CHCIO makes it easy for you to distinguish yourself as a leader within the healthcare IT industry. The CHCIO Program is the first healthcare industry credential developed for CIOs by CIOs.PROGRAM ENROLLMENT
Program enrollment is $649. Enrollment into the CHCIO program, value includes:
- CHCIO application
- The CHCIO exam study materials that include the reading materials divided by domain, a CHCIO practice exam and the CHCIO blueprint
- CHCIO exam registration
Upon completion of the CHCIO program enrollment form you will be contacted by a member of the CHIME team to continue your journey through the program.
The CHCIO examination consists of 125 multiple choice questions, including scenario-based and independent questions. The examination will be taken without the aid of study guides or other resources. The exam must be completed within 2.5 hours. The CHCIO examination is offered at CHIME in-person events and through our online testing center.
Online Exam
Remote Testing: Testing in the convenience of your office or home office is available through CHIME University.
Exam Study Materials
Upon enrollment into the CHCIO program you will receive a link to the CHCIO exam study materials. These materials include the CHCIO reading materials divided by domain, a CHCIO practice exam and the CHCIO blueprint.
Who is Eligible to participate in the CHCIO program?
To participate in the CHCIO program an individual must be a current CHIME member in good standing. Once an individual meets the requirements of membership and becomes a member of CHIME they are eligible to enter the CHCIO program.CHCIO Candidate RequirementsBecoming CHCIO Certified -
Studying for exams can create unnecessary stress, sifting through overwhelming loads of information, and uncertainty about study material and best ways to prepare. Our CHCIO Prep Course is designed to take you through the process of preparing for the CHCIO Exam and help you understand how to better prepare for the CHCIO Examination.
The Digital CHCIO Prep Course takes you on a deeper dive into the constructs of the CHCIO Examination. Students will learn from CHCIO-certified healthcare experts, experienced in both the industry and in the CHCIO program. This course transforms studying into application, providing clear peer-led sessions for each Domain area concentrating on critical topics and leaving the learner with tangible insight.
This course includes:
- Peer-to-peer insight into the concepts learners will be tested on
- Flexible learning to meet each persons’ level of knowledge and availability
- Short sample quizzes to test level of understanding at each Domain
- Personalized guide and point of contact to walk you through this process
The CHCIO Prep Course is not a requirement to enrolling in the program nor passing the exam; it stands on its own as a peer-led study platform that guides you as you prepare and offers you real-world perspective, which is what the CHCIO Exam is designed to do. The CHCIO Exam asks questions based on the reading materials but written from experience. Gain a foundation of insight and application to carry you along in your studies, test your understanding, and train for further success in your career.
*Access to Prep Course is active for 12 months from date of enrollment.
The CHCIO program requires individuals to participate in professional development and educational activities. CHIME utilizes Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to measure participation.
CHIME recognizes ONE hour of professional development and educational activity participation as equivalent to ONE CEU.
Submitting CEUs for CHIME & Non-CHIME Events
Please select CHIME-based CEUs to submit credits for events and sessions sponsored by CHIME. All other submissions outside of CHIME should be reported as non-CHIME CEUs.
How to Submit CEUs:
- For non-CHIME submissions, please include provider’s name in the event title
- Archived submissions must include original date in description and date applied in start and end dates
- Multiple (up to three) events may be submitted on one form, but all must fall under the same
category, non-CHIME or CHIME events
Qualifying CEU OpportunitiesCEU Reports/Transcripts
To maintain/renew your CHCIO & CHCIO-Eligible status:
- Complete 45 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs), of which 50% must be CHIME activities*+. These 45 CEU hours must be completed over your 3 year credential renewal cycle.
- Submit renewal/maintenance fee of $199
- Adhere to the CHIME Professional Standards of Conduct
- *CHIME membership is required for CHCIO-Eligible status
*In lieu of submitting CEUs, one may sit for the CHCIO exam. If you have completed at least 80% of your CEUs within three years, you may apply for a six-month extension to complete the remaining credits.
+CHCIOs can retain the CHCIO credential should they leave the CIO role and are therefore not be able to maintain their membership. To keep their credential current, they would need to earn 45 CEUs. The requirement that half of the CEUs need to be from CHIME activities would be waived since they would no longer be eligible to attend CHIME events. The same does not apply to those with a CHCIO-Eligible status.Have you recently met the three years of professional experience criteria to become a full CHCIO?
Complete the CHCIO Status Request Form
For questions regarding the CHCIO program please email certification@chimecentral.org or call 734.665.0000.